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InterviewPartnerMarine Protection

oceanBASIS: Interview with Dr Inez Linke
“Marine protection that gets on your skin.“


Dr. Inez Linke is co-founder and managing director of oceanBASIS GmbH, which is based in Kiel-Holtenau. From her office, she looks out over the shipping traffic in front of the locks of the Kiel Canal and, if she is lucky, even sees a dolphin. Inez loves algae and, as a marine biologist, has developed the Kiel-based natural cosmetics company Oceanwell. How does that fit together - and what do algae have to do with marine conservation or even sailing?

Dr Inez Linke

Dr Inez Linke

oceanBASIS GmbH

Inez, you love these slippery things that can be found both in the water and on the beaches in Kiel: Seaweed. What fascinates you about them?

Oh, how much time do you have? I could go on for hours ... (laughs) But first the short version: seaweed is totally important for our climate. We can eat them and they are healthy. The numerous active ingredients from algae and seawater care for our skin - and medical research is investigating their anti-tumor properties, for example.

Ok ... let's start with the topic of algae and climate: What do algae have to do with marine conservation?

Algae have an extremely important function in the sea: on the one hand, they provide protection and food for many marine creatures. Brown algae such as Laminaria algae, which we have always used at oceanBASIS, can grow several meters long and form huge underwater forests, creating a habitat all of their own.
I also like to call algae the “rainforests of the sea.” They produce a comparable amount of oxygen as tropical rainforests. At the same time, they absorb CO₂, take up excess nutrients, and ultimately improve water quality.

“Organic certification means that the algae come from controlled, unpolluted waters and are harvested in a way that is gentle on nature.”

Dr Inez Linke

Sounds a bit like: the more algae in the sea, the better! Are harvesting and using algae for cosmetics compatible with environmental protection?

Yes, absolutely! As long as algae are harvested sustainably in the wild or cultivated in aquaculture. Growing macroalgae in marine farms, for instance, helps conserve land resources. There is no need for land space, pesticides, or fertilizers. Moreover, seaweed grows much faster than land plants – you just have to make sure not to cut it completely.
For our natural cosmetics brand, Oceanwell, we use algae from sustainable, organically certified aquaculture in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea – mainly from the clean, cold waters of Norway. The algae for Meeresgarten, our food brand, currently come from certified organic wild collection in Brittany. Organic certification means that the algae come from controlled, unpolluted waters and are harvested in a way that is gentle on nature.

To be honest, I thought you also harvested algae in the Kiel Fjord …

You're not the only one! oceanBASIS established Germany’s first certified organic seaweed farm in the Kiel Fjord 25 years ago, cultivating Laminaria algae, also known as sugar kelp. It started as a research project focused on sustainable aquaculture.

© oceanBASIS

“One evening, over a glass of wine, the idea was born to create sustainable natural cosmetics.”

Dr Inez Linke


Discover more stories about sustainable aquaculture, algae-based cosmetics, marine active ingredients, and edible seaweed on the Oceanblog: www.oceanblog.de

We wanted to tap into the wide range of active ingredients found in sugar kelp. As a start-up, however, we quickly ran into regulatory and financial hurdles when trying to develop medical products. One evening, over a glass of wine, the idea was born to create sustainable natural cosmetics.
Today, this seaweed farm has been spun off as "Kieler Meeresfarm." In addition to the Fjord mussel, some algae are still cultivated there for research purposes.

The Fjord mussels are a delicacy among gourmets in Kiel. And algae … you mentioned that they are edible too?

 Of course – algae are delicious and healthy! You wouldn’t believe how many things you can season with them: bread spreads, tagliatelle with sea spaghetti and shrimp, vegan chocolate mousse … Personally, I love sprinkling dried seaweed flakes over my salad or vegetable stirfry.
Algae provide so many valuable nutrients: minerals and trace elements such as iodine, iron, and magnesium, as well as vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.

oceanBASIS Produkte

… which you also use as active ingredients for healthy skin in Oceanwell products.

Exactly. At our company headquarters in Kiel-Holtenau, we produce the algae extract for our natural cosmetics using a specially developed fermentation process. The effects are diverse. One example: algae have highly effective moisture-binding properties and do not dry out, even when exposed to the sun at low tide. This principle can be applied to skincare.
When sailing, the skin is exposed to extreme conditions from wind and salt water. I recommend our oil-free Ocean Gel, which cools and soothes as an after-sun treatment. In general, water sports enthusiasts should use biodegradable, environmentally friendly products.

To conclude, a short statement: what else connects marine biologists and sailors?

Our love for the sea … Let’s work together to preserve the beauty of the oceans and their treasures!

Miriam Berwanger

Miriam Berwanger


The interview was conducted by Miriam Berwanger.

Miriam loves the sea, the wind in the sails, and relaxing evenings on board. Her second passion is writing, and she is responsible for press and public relations at oceanBASIS. In this interview, she speaks with Dr. Inez Linke, a passionate marine biologist and the founder of oceanBASIS. With her natural cosmetics brand Oceanwell, the Kiel native pursues a clear mission: to offer products that are not only good for the skin but also sustainable for the oceans. Her enthusiasm for sustainably cultivated seaweed, which benefits both people and the environment, is at the heart of her work.

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